Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I love the next generation here's the deal....a most special heart friend encouraged me to listen to this message and I'm telling ya right now click on the phrase "I love the next generation" and open your ears and your heart to get a ridiculously amazing message in to your life.  I heard a phrase yesterday that is my new favorite phrase and it fits this message perfect...."it will be like a punch and a hug".  I know that's exactly what it was for me.  This message is seriously MY DEEPEST HEART PASSION!!!!!!!!  I am calling all Glorious Daughters to take this message in and make a decision to cross the line and pour into the next generation....please, please take it as a challenge.  With God all things are possible....let's roll up our sleeves and let Him do the work....but please don't let someone slip through the cracks because we didn't fully submit and allow God the opportunity to work through us as a Paul and be loved on as a Timothy!  I love you all seriously....I'm so proud of you and I could not imagine my life without your faces and hearts in it.  You are my joy and I am honored to be taking this journey with you. 


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