Precious Lord,
Today I woke up and don't really know what direction you would like us to go in my sweet I'm going to pray and spend some time chattin' with you and anticipating that you will position my heart to hear you word.
Father please equip your daughters in the midst of our days. Surprise us. Train our hands for battle (Psalm 144:1). I ask that you would speak to feelings of inadequacy this morning. Inspire us to lean on you and your understanding. Lord, I feel led to pray today that you would make the ministry of Glorious Daughters like Gideon's army (Judges 7:2). Cut us down and trim away all the fluff and stuff that we could so easily boast in our own power. Make us lean warrior chicks that are alert and awake to your instruction and directions.
Equip us with a word to encourage those that need to be rescued with a simple word of hope today. Give us eyes to see what you see and a heart that's unafraid to feel like you feel. Prepare hearts to receive a word today, prepare the fields of hearts and minds for Jesus' rain.
Align us with your will. Open our eyes to see where you want us today. Lord give us the confidence, hold us in perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3), patience and grace to give to to others. Give us wisdom and understanding. Articulate your heart to us today. Separate what seems like just dry journal entries of thoughts strung together into sentences and paragraphs that inspire change from the inside out. In your mercy offer us an interpretation of your Word today that might pull together all those loose thoughts into muscle and bones and then breath and finally motion and energy to Live for Christ as an awesome army (Ezekiel 37:1-10). Pushed by the promise of abundant Life.
Show us your heart, your ways and your glory today Mighty King. You are beautiful and lovely and full of every good and perfect gift. May you be praised and adored today by your daughters. Appropriate your Blood over the weak areas of our lives as we lay our burdens at your feet where your love covers all that we've done. Give us power to live strong in this day. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Mary's Praise
"My soul maginifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name. And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation." Luke 1:47-50
I love this girls, sweet Mary is overcome with worship and adoration. She has been met with a God sized challenge and overcoming odds...and her response? Praise. She actually was met in the middle of her everyday life by an angel of God and told that she was to be the mother of Jesus. Pretty intense to say the least...and pretty sure at this point the cards would have not stacked in her favor with winning the approval ratings of too many friends in town. To put it in modern day terms she would have probably been de-friended on Facebook because of her "situation" and how being associated with that kind of woman that was prego before vows were exchanged would make anyone look bad.
And the immediate midst of her situation she brought praise to the Father. She didn't magnify her worry, fear, sorrow, death of the perception of her purity or the sorrow over what could have the potential to alienate her from every relationship she had ever known. As a woman, and a teenager at that, I'm positive she had a few thoughts, suggestions and a few thousand questions...but what was in the deep deep soul part of Mary is what rises to the top at this life changing moment. She brought praise. In pure adoration and surrender she raised the praise of her soul and she adored the King. She brought praise. Her response was praise. And then not only that, she trusted in the Lord's faithfulness by declaring with great confidence that generations after her would call her blessed. Whoa, to have that kind of trust, confidence, release and immediate obedience to offer, to act, to humble herself and willingly bring praise...that is awesome, that is worship.
It says in my study text of my ESV study Bible that Mary's entire being is caught up in praise to God. The only thing I get caught up with most days is my worries, anxieties, fears, to-dos, deadlines, parenting, phone calls, know the drill. Fill in the blank with your own. We all get caught up in a day. It can even be with good things. I can get caught up with love and adoration for my cutie hubs. I can get caught up with serving my kiddos every need. I can get caught up with pleasing all the precious peeps in my life that I absolutely love with all my heart. I can get caught up Facebooking until I have reconnected with every human known to man, or texting so much that I never ever have to actually make a face to face connection again. Are you caught up? What are you caught up in?
Mary was found in the middle of her everyday moment. What moment would Jesus find you in and how would you respond to His calling? I don't mean how would you feel, I mean how would you respond? Mary didn't respond based on how she felt, she responded based on who she knew. She recognized her humble state, that she was the least of God's servants, the weakest daughter and yet she didn't get caught up in all of that.....she got caught up in the ONE that was calling her, not who He was calling.
Sisters, stop getting caught up in the one Jesus is calling. Stop responding to God's call based on who you are and start praising the Mighty One that has done great things for you. That's all He's after, He just wants your lovin'....He'll take care of the details of your life. Mary knew that and I love that. As a "generation after her" I am blessed today by Mary's obedience to not just surrender, but to bring praise in the midst of her calling. I want to bring praise in the midst of the enormous calling over my life, but I want companions with me. Get caught up in praising the mighty things God has done for you and let's worship the King together.
I love this girls, sweet Mary is overcome with worship and adoration. She has been met with a God sized challenge and overcoming odds...and her response? Praise. She actually was met in the middle of her everyday life by an angel of God and told that she was to be the mother of Jesus. Pretty intense to say the least...and pretty sure at this point the cards would have not stacked in her favor with winning the approval ratings of too many friends in town. To put it in modern day terms she would have probably been de-friended on Facebook because of her "situation" and how being associated with that kind of woman that was prego before vows were exchanged would make anyone look bad.
And the immediate midst of her situation she brought praise to the Father. She didn't magnify her worry, fear, sorrow, death of the perception of her purity or the sorrow over what could have the potential to alienate her from every relationship she had ever known. As a woman, and a teenager at that, I'm positive she had a few thoughts, suggestions and a few thousand questions...but what was in the deep deep soul part of Mary is what rises to the top at this life changing moment. She brought praise. In pure adoration and surrender she raised the praise of her soul and she adored the King. She brought praise. Her response was praise. And then not only that, she trusted in the Lord's faithfulness by declaring with great confidence that generations after her would call her blessed. Whoa, to have that kind of trust, confidence, release and immediate obedience to offer, to act, to humble herself and willingly bring praise...that is awesome, that is worship.
It says in my study text of my ESV study Bible that Mary's entire being is caught up in praise to God. The only thing I get caught up with most days is my worries, anxieties, fears, to-dos, deadlines, parenting, phone calls, know the drill. Fill in the blank with your own. We all get caught up in a day. It can even be with good things. I can get caught up with love and adoration for my cutie hubs. I can get caught up with serving my kiddos every need. I can get caught up with pleasing all the precious peeps in my life that I absolutely love with all my heart. I can get caught up Facebooking until I have reconnected with every human known to man, or texting so much that I never ever have to actually make a face to face connection again. Are you caught up? What are you caught up in?
Mary was found in the middle of her everyday moment. What moment would Jesus find you in and how would you respond to His calling? I don't mean how would you feel, I mean how would you respond? Mary didn't respond based on how she felt, she responded based on who she knew. She recognized her humble state, that she was the least of God's servants, the weakest daughter and yet she didn't get caught up in all of that.....she got caught up in the ONE that was calling her, not who He was calling.
Sisters, stop getting caught up in the one Jesus is calling. Stop responding to God's call based on who you are and start praising the Mighty One that has done great things for you. That's all He's after, He just wants your lovin'....He'll take care of the details of your life. Mary knew that and I love that. As a "generation after her" I am blessed today by Mary's obedience to not just surrender, but to bring praise in the midst of her calling. I want to bring praise in the midst of the enormous calling over my life, but I want companions with me. Get caught up in praising the mighty things God has done for you and let's worship the King together.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
God will make a way where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see, He will make a way for me
He will be my guide, hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way, God will make a way
Love that old school praise and worship song. I woke up with it on my heart and I couldn’t resist sharing it with you girls this morning. The encouragement is quick because the song says it all. God will make a way. No matter what’s on your plate today, God promises to make a way. Not only does He desire to reveal Himself and make a way to your heart and through your day, but He wants to fulfill your day and your life with deep and abiding Joy. Over and over and over again in 3 chapters of the book of John Jesus pleads that we abide in Him so that our Joy may be made full. How precious to serve a God that wants us full to the brim of Joy all the time!! I was reading some of my fav scripture this morning out of John 14-16 and I want to leave you with my own compilation of what it says. I encourage you to go grab your Bible, a cup of coffee or tea and cozy up with this Word of comfort from sweet Jesus….like I said, this is my own quick sum up of 3 chapters of scripture so you’re going to have to go read it for yourself to get all the goods that it has to offer! Don’t deny yourself the opportunity to get full to the brim with Jesus Joy when it’s right there for the taking. Snag the Word and fill your soul tank before you hit the ground runnin’! :)
“Don't let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. Abide in Me so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full. The Spirit will come and guide you into Truth. I will reveal myself to you again and your hearts will rejoice and no one will take your joy from you. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be made full. In this world you will have tribulation, but take heart for I have overcome the world.”
–my personal heart collection of John 14, 15 and 16
May you abide, dwell and keep your minds stayed on Christ (Isaiah 26:2-4) today and find yourself FULL to the brim of Jesus Joy that no circumstance or person can take away from you.
Have a beautiful day!!!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Your true identity
Okay I need you to put on your imaginations. More than likely you will not find yourself on this Thursday searching for blood diamonds, or living in the African bush or signing on to serve in the R.U.F. However you will find yourself sifting through any number of issues in your everyday life looking for a single diamond that will make your day worthwhile. If you are engaged in life at any level you have to battle feelings of abandonment, rejection, or being left to fight alone. And you for certain have to make a conscious decision not to join up with the lies of the enemy that I know swirl around your pretty little brain all day long. So, with all that being said put on your imaginations and walk with me here.....
If you've already watched the clip I've posted that's fine, but I want you to watch it again after you've read my heart. Blood Diamond is one of my all time favorite movies. I don't know that it would necessarily get the Dove seal of approval or voted most Family Friendly :). It is a pretty heavy movie and it definitely doesn't sugar coat or soft sell the state of the world. It doesn't tie everything off in a big pink bow and leave you feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. Its message will crawl up into your noggin and totally mess you up. It will leave you changed and honestly it's hard to get it out of your mind. I actually hope that I never get it out of my head, and especially my heart. As a believer it should get you all fired up about not just growing in knowledge about world issues and watching movies, reading articles, books or listening to stories like that over and over and over again, but it should inspire you to let the Lord train your hands for battle (2 Samuel 22:35) and get involved in the conversation.
Obviously with a movie like that there are a million different angles I could take our emotions in today. The social injustices happening in Africa are so overwhelming it could make you want to throw up and then the greed that has infiltrated the world is undeniable. However today, for us as daughters that are becoming all glorious within I want to allow the King to use this specific clip to remind us of our true identity. Yesterday I was on the phone with a dear friend and we were discussing an upcoming event for youth girls that I will be speaking at in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We discussed how they are dealing with popularity, body image, boys, future plans, friends, gossip, etc. We were tossing several topics and possibilities around but kept coming back to the same root.....finding your whole identity in Christ. I’m kinda squirming in my chair as a I type because I’m thinking how many of those same issues are still coming up in my own life as a grown woman. Everyday those matters might have gotten a little more “grown up” but they are still seeking to kill, steal and destroy me finding my WHOLE identity in Christ. Yikes!
How many of us as daughters have gotten distracted either intentionally or unintentionally and just walked our heart and souls away from the beautiful inheritance that is ours to have. Ladies I'm preaching to the choir today on purpose. Those of us that are in the body of Christ are sometimes the worst ones, because we can put on a pretty good front. We can walk around like we have it all together, go to church, be involved, worship our little hearts out and be lost as a goose when it comes to receiving who we really are in Christ. We get offended, we get hurt, we get manipulated, we offend, we hurt, we manipulate, and we get caught up in the world just like everybody else. In the deep parts of our hearts events have occurred and we have allowed those events to take up residence in our lives and discourage us from ACCEPTING and LIVING OUT the beautiful inheritance that is rightfully ours. We’ve accepted a standard of living that is well below our God-given potential and the saddest part about it is, is that we’re okay with it! Yikes again!
Today when you watch this clip I want you to close your eyes and RECEIVE. No you are not in Africa and no your name isn't Dia Vandy....however is it so far off base that we need to be retold who we REALLY are sometimes??!? Are we pointing a gun of pride and fear at the very source that wants to love us back to the truth of our inheritance? I watch this scene and tenderly cry every time. I most definitely need to be reminded who I am and then most importantly that the King is my Father. He’s my FATHER, my tender, affectionate but powerful and fully capable FATHER and He has come to rescue me, His daughter, and take me home to live with Him. Pretty people are you pumped up!!!?? If you aren't you should be and today, this day, we should all be challenged as daughters to put down the gun and submit to the leadership of lavish love the King is offering! Seriously.
Take the time today to ask two simple questions and then give God the space to tell you...
"Who do you see that I am Father? And would you remind me who you really are, my King?"
"He sent from on high, he took me; he drew me out of many waters. He rescued me from my strong enemy, from those who hated me, for they were too mighty for me. They confronted me in the day of my calamity, but the Lord was my support. He brought me out into a broad place; he rescued me, because he delighted in me." 2 Samuel 22:17-20
"The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot secure. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption. You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forever." Psalm 16:5-11
You have a beautiful inheritance to live in precious daughters. Remember the King is wild for you. You are treasured above all of His creations and you are perfectly crafted to live abundantly within the walls of the Kingdom. May you be encouraged and strengthened to stand in the King’s perfect peace as you receive your birthright today. I love you all so very much!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Home Life Magazine

"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have OPPORTUNITY, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:9-10
Monday, July 5, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Glorious Daughters on Facebook!

To those precious daughters that have already joined, I'm overwhelmed. Many of you are dear, dear heart friends that I am fortunate enough to see regularly and I love you so very much. You are Glorious Daughters. Thank you for your unending grace and support for what God desires to do through the ministry of Glorious Daughters. Your love, eager hearts to volunteer, support and encourage me means more than I could EVER express this side of Heaven. You are kindred spirits to my heart sweet sisters!! And I just might break out my high school fight song at a Chick Chat again to really show the love! LOL! xoxo!!!
To the special beloved friends that are supporting this ministry from other states and places - I am blown away by your love. You represent a group of women that I am honored to know and have involved in my life. Thank you for your grace in loving the most imperfect version of me and pressing me to be wholly surrendered to the King from the inside - out. You are beautiful and I am so blessed, rewarded, humbled and inspired to keep going in my pursuit of the King because of your love, friendship and support. With all my heart, thank you.
And now, to the overwhelming overflow of love from those daughters that I don't even know on a personal level yet that have joined in on the conversation........I STAND AMAZED. Literally, I am standing as I type. :) Seeing all your radiantly beautiful faces on that Facebook page brought tears to my eyes. I know we haven't met face to face, but I want you to know that I love you so much and I am praying for you and CANNOT wait to serve you in your pursuit of the King. It is an honor to be a part of the journey that you are taking with the Father. I have chills when I think about the awesome, awesome things that the Holy Spirit fills my heart with about all the ways you represent a generation of women that are going to light the world on fire with the love of the King!!!!!!!
To those that haven't joined in....we cannot wait to meet you and hear your glorious story of redemption, beauty from ashes and security in the King! The best is yet to come ladies so pass the word on of all the ways you can get involved...the King promises to be faithful, as Glorious Daughters let’s just follow Him in that faithfulness!!!
You pretty ladies ROCK!!!!!!!! I love you and I cannot wait to chat again soon!!!
Friday, July 2, 2010
You have a Sweet Heart
"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Ps 37:4
My prayers for myself and for you today is that we will submit ourselves to get up under God's lavish love and recieve Spirit filled faith, hope and love. That we will be not be bound by chains, but we will be captivated by the Love and Redemption of the King. I am praying that the Lord will tenderly remind each heart of the desires and dreams that He has for us. I am praying that we will be held together and inspired to operate in God's love today. May the King be quiet in His love and speak with a reassuring Voice to each heart. Please join my prayers that every daughter would accept that the King delights in her beauty and that as we submit and release ourselves to God's protection, provision and authority He promises to fill our hearts with good gifts .
It NEVER gets old for me to spend a blog post reminding us of how very much the King desires us and loves us. That He is pleased His daughters and that He thinks our hearts are BEAUTIFUL!!! I always need a ready reminder that I can accept the King's love and that I am an heir to the Throne. Be brave and be challenged to accept that same Great Love. Your heart was created to be loved and to give be loved by your Father, the King, and then give that Love to someone else today!
Love you big time pretty ladies!!!
xoxo ~ Cari
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Your testimony can mold a generation....
So I just started reading an incredible book by E.M. Bounds and ran across a quote this morning that applies to my blog post yesterday. I have decided to let it speak for itself, and rise up in the hearts of those that connect with the quote and know what I mean when I say that the King is at work to establish a testimony in you.
God is faithfully crafting and establishing a beautiful testimony into your life, let Him have His way today. He loves you!!
“Paul termed it “my gospel”; not that he had degraded it by his personal eccentricities or diverted it by selfish appropriation, but the gospel was put into the heart and lifeblood of the man, Paul, as a personal trust to be executed by his Pauline traits, to be set aflame and empowered by the fiery energy of his fiery soul. Paul’s sermons – what were they? Where are they? Skeletons, scattered fragments, afloat on the sea of inspiration! But the man Paul, greater than his sermons, lives forever, in full form, feature, and stature, with his molding hand on the church. The preaching is but a voice. The voice in silence dies, the text is forgotten, the sermon fades from memory; the preacher lives…..It is not great talents or great learning or great preachers that God needs, but men and women great in holiness, great in faith, great in love, great in fidelity, great for God – men and women always preaching by holy sermons in the pulpit, by holy lives out of it.
These can mold a generation for God.”
–E.M. Bounds
God is faithfully crafting and establishing a beautiful testimony into your life, let Him have His way today. He loves you!!
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